Numerical functions often need be invoked on views of vectors or matrixes,
derived by selecting some elements or by pre-transforming them. For instance,
one might want to prescale matrix elements before applying an existing FFT
algorithm on them. Often this must be done by copying the elements to a separate
array, and then invoking the original FFT algorithm, but this procedure is not
efficient because it uses additional space and therefore has higher impact on
data caches.
The preprint for our paper on equirecursive types in System Fω, with title
“System Fω with Equirecursive Types for Datatype-generic Programming”, is now
available online.
Our paper on equirecursive types in System Fω, with title “System Fω
with Equirecursive Types for Datatype-generic Programming”, has been
accepted for presentation at the annual Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages.
Paolo Giarrusso AlumniPaolo G. Giarrusso delivers an invited talk Incrementalizing
λ-Calculi by Static Differentiation: A Theory of Changes for
Higher-Order Languages and Ongoing Work at the PPS seminar of
the University Paris Diderot (Paris 7). The talk is based on our
PLDI 2014 paper and ongoing work in the “incremental λ-calculus”
Prof. Klaus Ostermann HeadKlaus Ostermann and part of his group move to Tübingen
University, where Prof. Ostermann now holds the chair of
programming languages and software technology.