Programming Languages

Visual Programming Language [INF3674]

This seminar is a BSc-level seminar but we also welcome interested MSc students. Learning computer programming language visually is interesting and easier for novice to learn. But the question is how to model a visual programming language? In this seminar, we will cover various topic about how to model a visual programming language in some area such as in Robotics, Education, Imperative Programming Language, etc.


To participate in this seminar, send an email containing your name, Matrikelnummer and Studiengang to Steven Lolong
Steven Lolong


We meet every Wednesday at 10 c.t. - 11:15 in room C111 (Sand)


Seminar requirement

Knowledge in computer programming language.

Seminar structure

This seminar will be conducted as a paper reading group with weekly meetings.

Each week one of the students is the discussion leader, who familiarizes herself/himself with the paper’s content in greater depth. The other participants should also read the paper, prepare questions, and send them to the discussion leader.

During the session, the discussion leader will summarize the main points of each section, be ready to answer the other participants’ questions, keep the discussion on track, and point out additional insights gained by her/his in-depth preparation.

At the end of the semester, each participant will write a term paper on the topic she/he prepared as discussion leader. It is also possible to accompany this with some artefact, e.g. a mini software project, that showcases practical applications discussed in the term paper.


  • English