Declarative Programming of Fischertechnik Robots
We are collaborating with Fischertechnik GmbH to develop novel ways to program their robots. Currently, the robots are programmed either with a high-level but rather limited graphical flow chart language, or using a low-level imperative API. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a library for high-level modular but general functional programming for the Fischertechnik ROBO TXT controller. This library should be based either on the ``How to Design Worlds” approach by Felleisen et al or in the style of functional reactive programming.
Further Information
- Paul Hudak et al. Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming. Link
- Haskell research on FRP
- Software and APIs for the ROBO TXT
- M. Felleisen et al. A Functional I/O System.