Programming Languages

Blockchain Technology


How to reg­is­ter

The max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants is around 10-12. We ex­pect that the de­mand is higher than the num­ber of slots. Please fol­low these in­struc­tions to apply for the course:

  • Send an email to the in­struc­tor with the title “Ap­pli­ca­tion Blockchain Sem­i­nar”
  • In­clude the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion: Name, Ma­trikel-No., Course of Study, cur­rent ToR and BSc cer­tifi­cate (if ap­plic­a­ble), one para­graph of text ar­gu­ing why you are in­ter­ested in the sem­i­nar and why you are likely to par­tic­i­pate suc­cess­fully.
  • Se­lec­tion will be made based on the can­di­dates with the most suit­able back­ground
  • Dead­line for the email is Tues­day, April 19, 23:59. It can be an ad­van­tage to send the email ear­lier (e.g. in the first week of the se­mes­ter break).
  • No­ti­fi­ca­tions about sem­i­nar par­tic­i­pa­tion will be sent on April 20.


  • Weekly meet­ings with one pre­sen­ta­tion in B217, Sand 13, 16:15
  • Roughly 60 min­utes pre­sen­ta­tion time, 30 min dis­cus­sion time
  • Pre­sen­ta­tion must in­clude bib­li­og­ra­phy of rel­e­vant lit­er­a­ture
  • Op­tional ICO (In­ter­mit­tent Cookie Of­fer­ing) dur­ing pre­sen­ta­tion
  • Grad­ing: Class par­tic­i­pa­tion 30%, Pre­sen­ta­tion 70%

Pos­si­ble Top­ics

  • 27.4.: Blockchain Ba­sics (LDr)
    • Dig­i­tal sig­na­tures, Hash­ing, Merkle trees, Blockchain
  • 4.5. Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Min­ing (PV)
  • 18.5. Trans­ac­tions, UTXO (AP)
  • 25.5. Wal­lets (AP)
  • 1.6. Smart Con­tracts 1, So­lid­ity and the EVM (LDe)
  • 22.6. Fees and Gas 1 2 (LDe)
  • 29.6. Shard­ing, Scal­a­bil­ity 1 2 (CL)
  • 6.7. 18:00 Or­a­cles 1 2 (CL)
  • 13.7. Car­dano (PV)
  • 20.7. Blockchain Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment (LDre)
    • Web3.​py, Brownie, Test­ing, Test­nets