Shonan Meeting on Programming and Reasoning with Algebraic Effects and Effect Handlers
Philipp Schuster
AlumniPhilipp Schuster attends the Shonan meeting
on “Programming and Reasoning with Algebraic Effects and Effect Handlers” from March 25 to 29, 2019.

Algebraic effects and effect handlers are becoming an increasingly popular approach for expressing and composing computational effects. There are implementations of algebraic effects and effect handlers in Clojure, F#, Haskell, Idris, Javascript, OCaml, PureScript, Racket, Scala, Scheme, Standard ML, and even C. There are full-fledged languages built around effects such as Eff, Frank, Links, Koka, and Multicore OCaml. Moreover, there is growing interest from industry in effect handlers. For instance, Facebook’s React library for JavaScript UI programming is directly inspired by effect handlers, and Uber’s recently released Pyro tool for probabilistic programming and deep learning relies on effect handlers. Such interest arises from the ease of combining in the same program independently developed components using algebraic effects and effect handlers.
Further Information
Typing, Representing, and Abstracting Control: Functional Pearl
by Philipp Schuster and Jonathan Brachthäuser
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Type-Driven Development. ACM Press, 2018.
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