Open PhD Student Position, Career Changers Welcome
We have an open position for a PhD student in our group, to be filled immediately.
Our group is mainly doing research in the field of programming techniques and programming languages. Being a good programmer and being excited about programming languages is a prerequisite for applicants. We often work with Scala, Haskell, Coq, or Agda.
One task associated to this position is to supervise the Tübinger Softwareprojekt, which is an exciting new form of collaboration between industry and academia. Research-wise this position gives a lot of freedom to develop new topics within our research group or contribute to our existing research projects.
For this particular position, we are also quite open to applicants who have already worked as software developers but would like to return to academia for a PhD. Of course, applicants who have just finished their Msc degree are also welcome.
The position will be paid according to salary scale E13 (around 3600-4000 Euros base salary, depending on qualification, plus generous benefits).
Please send me a note if you are interested. Contact data can be found here