Programming Languages

Talk by Karl Klose: Compiling Dart to JavaScript

Karl Klose from Google talks about the Dart to JavaScript compiler. The talk is part of the lecture on programming languages (PL1).


Web applications written in Dart can be conveniently deployed for modern browsers by compiling the code to JavaScript. In this talk I will present some of the challenges when compiling Dart to JavaScript, how we have solved them and the trade-offs that we had to make. I will talk about the history and structure of the dart2js compiler, and give some insights in the development process. Finally, I want to talk about recent and planned developments in both the language and the compiler.

About the Speaker

Karl Klose is a software engineer at Google working on the dart2js compiler. Before joining the Dart team, he worked on V8, the JavaScript engine in Google Chrome. Karl holds a Diplom from Darmstadt University of Technology and a PhD from Aarhus University.

Further Information