Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Require Omega. (* Formalization of the definitions and lemmas in slide 1-49 of the SOS slide set in Coq. If you want to try it yourself, install Coq from *) Inductive t : Set := | true : t | false : t | zero : t | succ : t -> t | ifthenelse : t -> t -> t -> t. Inductive consts: t -> list t -> Prop := | ctrue : consts true [true] | cfalse : consts false [false] | czero : consts zero [zero] | csucc : forall t c, consts t c -> consts (succ t) c | cite : forall t1 c1 t2 c2 t3 c3, consts t1 c1 -> consts t2 c2 -> consts t3 c3 -> consts (ifthenelse t1 t2 t3) (c1 ++ c2 ++ c3). Inductive size : t -> nat -> Prop := | strue : size true 1 | sfalse : size false 1 | szero : size zero 1 | ssucc : forall t s, size t s -> size (succ t) (s+1) | site : forall t1 s1 t2 s2 t3 s3, size t1 s1 -> size t2 s2 -> size t3 s3 -> size (ifthenelse t1 t2 t3) (s1+s2+s3). Lemma consts_is_deterministic_longproof : forall {tm c1 c2}, consts tm c1 -> consts tm c2 -> c1 = c2. induction tm; intros; inversion H; inversion H0. - reflexivity. - reflexivity. - reflexivity. - exact (IHtm c1 c2 H2 H5). - destruct (IHtm1 _ _ H4 H11). destruct (IHtm2 _ _ H6 H13). destruct (IHtm3 _ _ H7 H14). subst. reflexivity. Qed. (* same lemma with more automated proof *) Lemma consts_is_deterministic : forall {tm c1 c2}, consts tm c1 -> consts tm c2 -> c1 = c2. Proof. induction tm; intros; inversion H; inversion H0; auto. - repeat f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma consts_is_total_long_proof: forall tm, exists c, consts tm c. Proof. induction tm; intros. - eexists. constructor. - eexists. constructor. - eexists. constructor. - destruct IHtm as [s S]. exists (s). constructor. assumption. - destruct IHtm1 as [s1 S1]. destruct IHtm2 as [s2 S2]. destruct IHtm3 as [s3 S3]. exists (s1++s2++s3). constructor; assumption. Qed. Hint Constructors consts. Lemma consts_is_total: forall tm, exists c, consts tm c. Proof. induction tm; intros; repeat match goal with | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H end; eauto. Qed. Lemma consts_smaller_than_size_longproof: forall {tm c s}, (consts tm c) -> size tm s -> length c <= s. Proof. induction tm ; intros; inversion H; inversion H0 ; cbn. - reflexivity. - reflexivity. - reflexivity. - subst. pose proof (IHtm _ _ H2 H5). intuition. - subst. rewrite (app_length c1 (c2++c3)). rewrite (app_length c2 c3). pose proof (IHtm1 c1 s1 H4 H11). pose proof (IHtm2 c2 s2 H6 H13). pose proof (IHtm3 c3 s3 H7 H14). rewrite Plus.plus_assoc. apply Plus.plus_le_compat. apply Plus.plus_le_compat. assumption. assumption. assumption. Qed. (* same lemma with more automated proof *) Hint Rewrite app_length. Hint Rewrite Plus.plus_assoc. Lemma consts_smaller_than_size: forall {tm c s}, (consts tm c) -> size tm s -> length c <= s. Proof. induction tm ; intros; inversion H; inversion H0; autorewrite with core; auto using Plus.plus_le_compat. intuition. Qed.