module Database where -- Shamelessly ripped from David Christiansen's Talk @CurryOn'15 -- "Coding for Types: The Universe Pattern in Idris" open import Data.List hiding (_++_) open import Data.Nat open import Data.Nat.Show renaming (show to showℕ) open import Data.Product hiding (map) open import Data.String open import Function -- cf. data HList : List Set → Set₁ where [] : HList [] _⟪_ : {A : Set}{xs : List Set} → A → HList xs → HList (A ∷ xs) infixr 60 _⟪_ data Column : Set where TEXT : Column NAT : Column ⟦_⟧ : Column → Set ⟦ TEXT ⟧ = String ⟦ NAT ⟧ = ℕ Schema : Set Schema = List (String × Column) ⟦_⟧ₛ : Schema → Set₁ ⟦ s ⟧ₛ = HList (map (⟦_⟧ ∘ proj₂) s) ScoreSchema : Schema ScoreSchema = ("Name" , TEXT) ∷ ("Score" , NAT) ∷ [] ScoreSchema' : Schema ScoreSchema' = ("fst" , TEXT) ∷ ("snd" , NAT) ∷ [] DB : Schema → Set₁ DB = List ∘ ⟦_⟧ₛ Highscores : DB ScoreSchema Highscores = ("Ingo" ⟪ 15 ⟪ []) ∷ ("Cai" ⟪ 9001 ⟪ []) ∷ [] Highscores' : DB ScoreSchema' Highscores' = Highscores totalScore : DB ScoreSchema → ℕ totalScore [] = 0 totalScore (_ ⟪ score ⟪ [] ∷ xs) = score + totalScore xs header : Schema → String header [] = "" header ((label , _) ∷ t) = label ++ "\t" ++ header t showCol : {c : Column} → ⟦ c ⟧ → String showCol {TEXT} s = s showCol {NAT} n = showℕ n showRow : {s : Schema} → ⟦ s ⟧ₛ → String showRow {[]} x = "\n" showRow {_ ∷ _} (x ⟪ xs) = showCol x ++ "\t" ++ showRow xs showDatabase : {s : Schema} → DB s → String showDatabase {s} xs = header s ++ "\n" ++ foldr _++_ "" (map showRow xs) dumpSchema : {s : Schema} → DB s → Schema dumpSchema {s} db = s